Judy Cordell
Judy Cordell

I’m a House of Colour Personal Stylist. I use the science of colour with balance and proportion to dress people in the most flattering way. How? By taking who you are on the inside and showing you how to wear it on the outside. When you do that, not only is it flattering, but you feel authentic and amazing in your own skin. Who doesn’t have a desire for that!

Everything is content these days – no matter what you do showing your authentic self will sell your business. Whether we like it or not, how we present ourselves can alter how people see us. Given we make up our minds about someone within the first few seconds of meeting them, it follows that our first impressions can alter future relationships.

The right colours make you feel positive about yourself, you appear healthy and vibrant which means we are more likely to buy into your confidence and leadership qualities which gives you a competitive edge. If you look like you take care of yourself and have thought about your appearance, you are more likely to win new business, do well in presentations and build successful work relationships. I look forward to helping you with that.